About Us
"Gharabaghtsyan-Shin" LLC is a private construction company, which was established on April 19, 2004.
The company is engaged in construction in the fields of hidrotechnic, public and production, residential, transport, energy and communication. Starting with a small staff, the company, led by General Director Grigor Gharabaghtsyan, has set the goal of providing quality construction in a short time throughout the country. The years of experience of the company, the involvement of skilled specialists, the sense of responsibility and seriousness towards the work are the basis for the success of the work path of “Gharabaghtsyan-Shin” LLC.
“Gharabaghtsyan-Shin” LLC offers modern innovative solutions, introducing the best world standards in Armenia, both in the field of construction, design, management, corporate culture and social responsibility.
The main task of the company is to influence the society and the environment by interacting with employees, customers, investors, government agencies, local communities, suppliers and others.
We have a responsibility to develop and build social, as well as practical relationships based on respect, ethics, dedication, responsibility and trust; in particular, to provide healthy and safe jobs, an environment conducive to professional development and individual responsibility, equal principles of the right to employment and equal opportunity, honest relations with suppliers and all this is the basis for a solid foundation construction. We must achieve prosperity hand in hand, we must walk hand in hand to the future Armenia, having a solid foundation in the field of construction.